Bye Todoist… it’s not me, it’s you…

Nadir Ait-Laoussine
4 min readOct 6, 2022

So I’ve been an avid user of Todoist for nearly a decade. I started using Todoist in 2014 when Wunderlist was still in the picture. At the time, everyone was saying to use Wunderlist, but I saw something in Todoist that I wasn’t seeing in Wunderlist. So I decided to go with my gut.

At first, and for many years, this proved to be a good solution. Sure, it lacked some features, but it was zippy and just worked. When you’re thinking about productivity and tracking the work you need to do, something that “just works” is precious. I don’t need fancy, I need functioning.



Nadir Ait-Laoussine

Student of cities and systems, life-long learner, CitiesXTech, Data & Analytics. Occasional dabbler in chocolate making. All opinions are my own.